What is the need of LOD in Construction

What is the need of LOD in construction ?

Being a beginner in BIM, we have many questions in our mind on how the BIM Model is used and what is the need of LOD in construction? Whether it maintain the uniformity of data shared across trades? 

This article will help you to understand clearly.

Large- scale construction organizations face challenge situations in communicating their designs, obstacles, design intents throughout the divisions. They`ve a problem getting their files and documents to flow among their stakeholders to propagate the information that is uniform .

Hence the construction industry needs a language that help to convey the uniform information with their partners which we refer as LOD (Level of Development)

The main reason of working in 3D BIM model is accuracy , precision , parametric and how effectively it is synchronized with the reality. 

Consider the structural engineering is prepared the drawing with precisions saying the C/C distance between the column is 4500 , yet on site it is completely different . The column is erected some distance away from the dimension in the drawing . It is because the work is not synchronized with the reality.

LOD resolves this by introducing the designer and the evaluator of any 3D BIM model to uniformity of the information being passed on. It gives the information about the digital maturity of each element and is a trigger mechanism which starts the designer’s work only when the critical components reach a certain desired level of maturity.


LOD standards were established by AIA (American Institute of Architects) in 2008 from LOD 100 to LOD 500 to define the design detailing of each and every component in the BIM Model. 

Also , the BIM Forum contributed to interpreting these levels of details for contractors, designers and manufacturers.

What is LOD ?

Level of Development (LOD) is the level of completeness to which a model element is developed at the end of each project phase.

In a simplest way it is a combination of LOD (Level od detail) and Level of information

There are six levels of development 

LOD 100  : 

LOD 100 elements are not geometric representations. It is represented by means of symbols or generic representations showing the existence of component

LOD 200 : 

At this stage components are generic placeholders. We could able to recognize the element in that place , size , volume . But derived information from this stage is approximate 

LOD 300 :

At this stage components size,shape,quantity, location will be accurately modeled and the information can be directly extracted from the model without referring for the non modeled info's

LOD 350 :

At this stage element is graphically represented within the Model as a specific system, object, or assembly in terms of quantity, size, shape, location, orientation, and interfaces with other building systems. Non-graphic information may also be attached to the Model

LOD 400 :

At this stage element is modeled at sufficient detail and accuracy for fabrication of the represented

LOD 500 : 

This stage refers to field verification  in terms of size, shape, location, quantity, and orientation. Non-graphic information may also be attached to the Model Elements.

Helps to communicate the design details

Standards will be maintained in sharing information from designer to contractor , contractor to manufacturers and manufaturer to installation workers

And also better in conveying information to facility management teams

Our team has an expertise in delivering all levels of LOD ranging from LOD 100 to LOD 500 .