Road to Paris 2024 Olympics

The main attraction: the Eiffel Tower
Changing the aspect of such an emblematic UNESCO monument is not as easy as it might seem. The initial plan will start with the 2.5 kilometers around the tower, and not the construction itself. However, the whole area is quite a mess. Suspicious-looking sellers of cheap souvenirs everywhere, terrifying rats and a whole system that prevents both citizens and tourists to walk freely around the Champ de Mars. An action plan was needed a long time ago and the Olympics will speed it up.
This plan will improve both the aesthetics and the economy of the city. A new infrastructure will prevent frequent floods that will increase significantly over time and the trees will remain in the area because they help the atmosphere and also create a healthy environment near them. On the other hand, a remodeling of the tower will increase the current income from $87M to $107M. We have to keep in mind that the Eiffel Tower is one of the costly monuments in the world. Last but not least, the Olympics will bring the capital of the country its old brightness, after the terrorist attacks in 2015.
Autodesk, the leading software for the Olympics
Autodesk will be the leading BIM partner for the Olympics project. The urgency to take action it’s not only conditioned by the Olympics but also by the Universal Exhibition in 2015 and 2026 Rugby World Cup. The software company will create the 3D models and all the linked information and send them to the chosen architects.
However, it is not easy to scan all the surface. Drones are not allowed to fly over the Tower so the whole infrastructure needed to be created by computer from scratch. Autodesk is already implementing BIM technology in their designs, which allow them to prevent natural disasters, like the Paris flood in 2018. Regarding this flooding, the scientists claim that with the climate change such natural cataclysms will happen more often. BIM could be a powerful ally against the possibility of a terrorist attack too.
Why BIM and why now?
Autodesk will use BIM to begin with the renovation process, and it will release its major power when it comes to scheduling teams and workers and all the money in the construction system. It is estimated by the Q1 2019, the environment scannings will be finished, and the 3D model will be available for both architects and builders.
Not only the gardens and roads will be affected by the power of BIM, but also the traffic in the nearby streets. With this technology, it is aimed to ease up the traffic jam’s tensions all around the Tower’s area. The structural integrity is the key term of a whole BIM discourse there, and every change will have to be integral with the city and other renovations.