
Top BIM events of the year

Type of Event: Conference
Organizer: A2K Technologies
Language of the event: English
Price: Free
Starting date: 15/03/2018
End Date: 15/02/2018
Venue: Grand Mellennium 71 Mayoral Drive. Auckland, New Zealand

BIM and GIS: What's the difference?


BIM is a relatively new concept in the industry and is traditionally associated with Buildings while GIS has been well established since the 80’s (and earlier). The two concepts are often viewed as competitive processes but since both work with data intelligence, there are many areas of similarity.

This presentation explores the following areas:

-The relevant facets of GIS and BIM applied to Infrastructure.
-The need for single point of truth and data integrity.
-Realistic applications for different business sizes and budgets.
-Workflows and scenarios.

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