Top BIM events of the year
Type of Event: Masterclass
Organizer: Zigurat Global Institute of Technology
Language of the event: English
Price: Free
Starting date: 07/12/2020
End Date: 07/12/2020
Venue: Online Event
Organizer: Zigurat Global Institute of Technology
Language of the event: English
Price: Free
Starting date: 07/12/2020
End Date: 07/12/2020
Venue: Online Event
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BIM&Scan for creating and checking IFC models: Introduction to AutoCorr and AutoGen functions
BIM & Scan Ltd. have developed a software called AutoGen that can automatically create IFC CV 2.0 MVD files from open standard E57 point clouds, and a second cloud based software called AutoCorr that automatically checks the automatically generated IFC models. These patent pending software algorithms have many use cases. AutoGen creates LOD 200 Architectural and Structural Models to speed up the Scan-to-BIM process, While AutoCorr is a Scan-vs-BIM solution that not only check AutoGen models, but is used for manual Scan-to-BIM checking, As-Built handover BIM checking, construction monitoring, etc. AutoCorr also creates automatic BCF messages of all issues found and automatic camera viewpoint too!
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