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How is BIM in Switzerland?

The Swiss Association of Engineers and Architects (SIA) has released a new supplementary agreement in BIM.

Published: 21/08/2018

Country: Switzerland

The Working Group on Coordination of Digitization of the SIA Central Commission for Orders (ZO) has published the new supplementary agreement BIM (SIA 1001/11) together with an associated commentary (SIA 1001/11-K). Both documents are available online for free download since June 2018.

If the client requires his planners to include the BIM method in the planning performance, then both parties must agree on objectives and service contents and contractually stipulate them. When drawing up the amendment, the experts dealt with specific contractual issues. The supplementary agreement BIM was designed so that it can be used in addition to the classic SIA planning/construction contract 1001/1. The document contains open phrases and does not have fixed contract rules. The Parties will receive BIM tailored choices for their contractual arrangements.

Groundbreaking application aid for planning in the digital age

The supplemental agreement applies if the parties have agreed to use the BIM method. Here, the so-called information requirements of the client (IAG) have great importance. It should contain his expectations (objectives, work results, etc.) which will become an additional part of the contract.

Unlike the usual SIA phase sequence, it may happen that the planning services are to be provided at a different time when using the BIM method. Therefore, it is possible to make shifts of benefits in other phases. In addition, when using the planning method, it may be necessary to separately specify BIM-specific services. The agreement lends itself to this.

These services include: the provision and maintenance of the virtual project space, the services of the BIM management or the BIM coordination, which are not included in the performance specifications of the SIA-LHO. The (possibly additional) remuneration can also be agreed here. The parties themselves decide on the type of reward.

Target group: Architects, engineers, specialist planners, builders and operators of buildings

The additional agreement also makes a proposal for dealing with the client's inspection of the digital building model. The parties are also encouraged to adopt a data protection regime. Native data provided to the client must always be treated confidentially.

The partners also have the opportunity to comment on the questions of the examination of the work results by the client and the retention obligation. Furthermore, they can conclude other special agreements.

In commenting on the application of the BIM supplemental agreement, the following is stated: According to Article 1.3.1 of the SIA LHO, all rights to the work results remain with the agent - including the application of BIM. Although the client has the right to use the data, this is limited to the "agreed project".

Initiatives in the country: The buildingSMART Switzerland chapter 

The buildingSMART Switzerland chapter started its journey more than two years ago. It was mainly due the industry realized BIM was something worth to take a look at. They build an association from scratch called Bauen Digital Schweiz to join the industry, meaning companies, organizations, education, university, researchers and of course all the different parts when it comes to construction. The project offered them the opportunity to join buildingSMART International by creating the Switzerland Chapter. “buildingSMART stands for the standardization process and that’s what we stand for too, for the best practices” states Shock.


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