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Actual Vs Planned Construction
Lean & Industrialized construction OperationDigital revolution in the construction industry has been quite slow as compared to the other sectors/ segments. A detailed analysis of the same exposes various challenges that the industry faces in terms of the project efficiency's ongoing safety prospectus as well as the lower levels of labour productivity. The sluggish adaptation of the new technologies in the sector has reached to a point where the resources allocation has become a major challenge. Digital Transformation requires process changes and new resource adaptation so as to harness the data power to improve communication, productivity and safety.
This can not only position the construction firms for a much profitable growth and development in a highly competitive industry but also helps in addressing the challenges faced in the workforce. Digital Transformation has become the need for the overall enhancement of the construction Industry/ Segment as a whole.
The facilitation of digital technologies helps in building a better environment thereby increasing the so called “productive regime” of the industry.
Technology also aids the managers deployed for the construction to follow and adopt highly standardized approaches across the projects thereby facilitating additional clarity in distributing responsibilities and even the additional prospect of safety. For companies that feel the need to have capabilities may opt for successful digital adoption so as to reinforce their competitive capabilities. From project management tools and innovative technology application, the fundamental project design can change and the development process can be revamped. The development of an integrated platform can indeed reinvigorate growth for many generations to come.
MaRS BIM Solutions have provided Real-time Updates from site which enables to Check Prerequisites to Start work, Daily update, x% complete, Work ready for inspection, Warnings, Problems, Stopped tasks & Add images onsite anytime on this US $ 6 Million Waste Water Project.
Cloud-based Construction which enabled our client Complete Track of site work, Seamless REPORTING from site, Easy to VISUALIZE progress in #4D BIM & Clear Team Communication.
On the right, The actual status showcased as live updates by our team from site, with colours highlighting in-progress (purple), warning (yellow), or stopped (red) tasks.
On the left, visualize whether those tasks were supposed to be in progress right now (purple) or completed (green or rendered).
Lean construction is much more than a single process or set of rules to follow to cut waste out of construction. Lean is a theory of production, one that takes an entirely different approach to our productivity model in the construction industry. Lean construction is an attempt to embody the lean theory of production that's been so successful in manufacturing and port it over for use in construction.