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Published: 21/06/2021

What is clash detection in BIM?

Conventional construction drawings include a ton of manual work which frequently brings about anomalies and inadequate coordination across different developments. This raises occurrences of construction conflicts, the vast majority of which get recognized when the building components are practically built.

With the use of progressive computer-aided 3D modeling, the chances of last-minute hurdles obstacles due to the irregularities in various models and designs are wiped out. As all the things are dealt with during the planning stage itself, conflict identification saves significant time, effort, and cost all through the whole BIM Execution Plan during a construction project.

One of the fundamental benefits of BIM is the capability to detect 'clashes' at an early stage in your project where they should be much simpler, more economical, and less time-consuming to correct.

Stanford University Center for Integrated Facilities Engineering (CIFE) study based on 32 major projects using BIM indicates benefits such as:

Up to 40% elimination of unbudgeted change
cost estimation accuracy within 3%
Up to 80% reduction in time taken to generate a cost estimate
Saves up to 10% of the contract value through clash detections
Up to 7% reduction in project time

INDOVANCE Inc delivers a full range of BIM modeling projects. We work on parametric family creation, clash detection, model creation for all LOD (Level of Detail), 4D, 5D, and 6D support, and model phasing, as well. We also provide complete support for CAD to BIM, point cloud to BIM, and PDF to BIM conversions.
For more queries regarding any of the above-mentioned topics, feel free to connect with us on our website or contact us on +1-919-238-4044.


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